Today marks the 52nd anniversary of Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech (August 28th). A historic oration so powerful its significance is still as profound today as it was in 1963. It had been a long while since I last listened to the speech. So given the day, I thought it would be appropriate to refresh my memory. I watched and listened. In quiet. Alone.
After it was over, I sat for a moment and reflected. What courage, what eloquence, what heart, what…Inspiration. The stuff that gives life meaning, purpose and joy. What an amazing feeling: To be inspired.
Inspiration is not an easy thing to come by. Whether you’re seeking to inspire others or seek to be inspired, tapping into that core emotion is a difficult thing to do. The bar is supremely high. But when we do, the feeling can bring out the very best in us. And motivate us to strive for great things. Elevating our overall sense of wonder and happiness.
People are driven by a lot of things professionally. Many move through their careers on auto pilot…unhappy and uninspired. Others are happy with the direction they’ve chosen. And yet another group is scattered on the spectrum between the two opposites.
Regardless of where you fall, one thing is clear. We could all use a little more inspiration in our lives. It’s good for the soul. So on this commemorative day, I ask:
What inspires you?
A beautifully written poem? A song? Talking with your children? Working with amazing people? Closing a deal? Helping those in need? A friend’s perseverance? A compliment? A come from behind victory? Great quotations? Or…a powerful speech?
Inspiration comes in many shapes and sizes. And it need not be a chore or require a substantial amount of time. Just a little effort. So take a quiet moment to think about what, in life truly moves you. And consciously seek to add a little more of it to your days – both professionally and personally.
It is a small, but significant step. And one that can motivate you to make your own dreams come true.